ATN Article for Monson Logistics
Iveco says its trucks have always been a familiar sight at Monson Logistics depots in Tasmania and now the operator will be able to fill its Victorian depot with trucks of the same badge. Several 460 AT prime movers have now arrived in Brooklyn, Melbourne, standing next to the older, bonneted trucks they will gradually replace.
The company’s move into Victoria follows Monson Logistics’ acquisition of one of its sub-contractors, and the recent S-Way purchases are all part of the bigger picture, according to company owner, Bruce Monson.
“We had an opportunity to establish a greater presence in Victoria, and the bulk of the IVECO S-Ways that we’ve bought – both 460 AT units and 550 AS trucks – will be based in Brooklyn, replacing a fleet of 19 older prime movers,” Monson says.
Full article available here.

The Monson Fleet
We have reached a major milestone with the current fleet of 60 prime movers.
Monson Logistics achieves huge safety milestone!!
After a spate of incidents resulting in LTI’s Monson Logistics changed change their practices and put in a range of systems to assist in avoiding recurrence, after these changes were rolled out all of the staff embraced the new changes and were saw the emergence of a safety culture which has assisted us in achieving 2000 days Lost Time Injury free. This achievement was not one persons doing but a collective effort from each and one of Monson logistics hard working team!

Jordy Howe’s Interview with Big Rigs
We were enjoying a hot cuppa and a bite to eat at Mood Food at Kempton when Jordy Howe from Launceston rolled in and happily found time for a couple of words with us.
“I’ve been with Monson’s now for four years, and I’d have to say they’ve proved a great outfit to work for, and they are keeping me flat out just now which is always gratifying!” he said.
He was driving an eye-catching 2018 Iveco at the time, and towing a box on his return trip from Hobart to Bell Bay.
“I find the Stralis is a really driver-friendly and comfortable truck to drive, and it is ideal for this job. I’ve been on the road now all up for about 12 years, and have no regrets at all about taking up driving for a living. So it’s all good at the moment!”
We asked him about how he spent his time off: “I enjoy spending my time off with my wife and kids, and also getting on the road and caravanning in the holidays!”